New Sneak Peek For 'Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always' Drops Ahead Of April 19th Release
Image Source: Gamespot
A new preview clip for the Power Rangers special Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always has been released. In this clip, Billy (David Yost) and Alpha 5 (Richard Horwitz) explain how Kat (Catherine Sutherland) and Rocky (Steven Cardenas) are able to use the dino powers. Billy and Alpha have been experimenting with secondary connections to the morphing grid, thus creating proxy coins for the Tyrannosaurus and the Pterodactyl coins (which would normally be held by Jason and Kimberly). Zack raises a concern about duplicate powers, but Kat brushes it off, saying that she doesn’t care how dangerous “too much pink energy” is, alluding to a popular inside joke within the Power Rangers community that can be traced back at least to Linkara’s History of Power Rangers review series.
The clip ends with the team getting ready to morph into the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Reception to the clip has been overwhelmingly positive, especially in regard to the “too much pink energy” easter egg. It seems like this is gearing up to be a special that longtime fans and newcomers alike. The special focuses on the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers being called into action once again to fight against an evil robot Rita Repulsa, who aims to kill the rangers before they become rangers. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always premieres on Netflix on April 19th.
Source: Twitter