‘Power Rangers Cosmic Fury' Reveals Full Team’s Suits and Female Red Ranger
Image Source: Hasbro Pulse
Today’s Hasbro Pulse fanstream for Power Rangers kicked off its 30th anniversary year with eight figures showcased from the Lightning Collection and Zord Ascension Project, and the title and premiere date reveal of Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Once and Always, the 30th-anniversary special, with its accompanying featurette. Such wouldn’t be complete without news regarding the main series’s upcoming 30th season, Cosmic Fury.
As a reminder, Cosmic Fury is the third season of Dino Fury, with the team being the first full to achieve three seasons together. The Rangers returning are Russell Curry as Zayto, Kai Moya as Ollie, Hunter Deno as Amelia, Tessa Rao as Izzy, Chance Perez as Javi, and Jordan Fite as Aiyon. Last we saw them, Zayto is freshly revived, having sacrificed himself in the effort to defeat Santaura, arriving in a saintly white suit warning that they must chase the cloned Lord Zedd through space as he’s still on the loose. Or as it’s put, they “[embark] on a journey through outer space as they unlock new Cosmic powers and defend the universe” against him. Though he was the Red Ranger at the time of his sacrifice, his change of suit will not revert. Instead, he moves onto a third suit, the white and gold ensemble that’s top left in the art above, known as the Zenith Ranger. With a name like that, he may not be up with the Masters anymore, but he still ascended with his power.
But if Zayto’s no longer Red, who is? That would be Amelia, the former Pink Ranger, a newly-realized Rafkonian like Zayto, and Gold Ranger Aiyon. The circumstances as to why she’s the new Red Ranger haven’t been revealed yet, but she is the first female main character to be a Red Ranger in franchise history. Sure, Cosmic Fury will only run 10 episodes, but that’s its full season, and its team has a female Red Ranger. The suits for them, as well as Ollie, Izzy, and Javi continuing in blue, green, and black, are all receiving new costumes designed by Sarah Voon and new morphers and weapons designed by Tracey Collins, while their helmets retain Dino Fury elements. Power Rangers Cosmic Fury will premiere its 10 episodes worldwide this fall on Netflix, all dropping at once.
Source: Entertainment Weekly, YouTube