'Tales from Earth-6: A Celebration of Stan Lee' Introduces The 'Just Imagine…' World’s Joker
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Right on time to celebrate what would have been the venerable Stan Lee’s 100th birthday, DC came out with a one-time anthology of stories set in the Just Imagine world that Lee built, featuring his interpretations of famed DC superheroes in the early 2000s, incorporating the tropes he became known for in his writing heyday.
This world, eventually designated Earth-6, is where familiar characters, such as Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, exist in a “flipped” type of dimension with this dimension’s own origin story of the personas that exist within.
Among the new stories, there will also be a new character: the Choker, Michael Uslan’s take on the more recognized Joker. Ulsan explained to Screenrant:
“Number one, Stan just didn't want to reflect or be a reflection of the DC superheroes. He wanted to flip them. He wanted moments of flipping. So he already flipped the character of Batman. So without adding to any spoilers in the last panel of my story, I added one more little Stan Lee type of flip that I thought he would appreciate in terms of traditional Batman. And the other thing was, who would the villain be? And there was no question in my mind, I had a big smile on my face because I could hear Stan laughing. I chose a guy who is a serial killer in Gotham City, he's, he strangles women. And the press labeled him The Choker.”
Other contributors to this anthology are Lee Weeks, Kevin Maguire, Jerry Ordway, Karl Mostert, Juan Ferreyra, Anthony Marques, Pablo M. Collar, Belén Ortega, Max Dunbar, and Hayden Sherman.
Sources: Comicbook.com, Screenrant.com, DCfandom.com