A Mysterious Planet, A Thief, And A Reunion All Make For A Great ‘The Bad Batch’ Season 2 Episode 10
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This week's episode of The Bad Batch picked up where we left off last week. The group was stranded on a mysterious planet, after having their ship stolen by a local. They contacted Cid for help getting them off the planet, but she was no help. The Batch essentially had no choice but to try and find own their way.
Omega came up with the idea of tracking down their Gonk groid on the ship. As the Batch headed to the local settlement, they found their thief with the Gonk droid. The Marauder was now in the possession of the leader of the ipsium mine, Mokko, who was stripping the ship down for parts. As Hunter, Wrecker, and Tech worked on reinstalling the hyperdrive, Omega and Benni the thief headed to deactivate the shields that prevented the ship from leaving. On their way, Omega witnessed Mokko’s treatment of the mining crew, only giving food to the one “top earner,” and making the rest share from a single bowl of food.
Image Source: Leisurebyte
At the shield tower, Benni secretly alerted Mokko to the intruders. However, as Omega searched for the shield code, she discovered that Mokko had been skimming off the profits while lying to the crew that the mine was not producing, hence the reason why he needed to limit their food and water rations. The Batch appeared to be in trouble as they faced Mokko, his droids, and the miners. However, Omega revealed the truth about the ipsium mine’s profits and the miners turned against Mokko. The Batch got their ship back as Omega learned another life lesson.
It is nice to see The Bad Batch focusing on Tech this season. There were some great moments between Tech and Omega in last week’s episode, and fans got to see their interactions continued this week as well. After seeing how Mokko treated the miners, Omega came to the realization that the Empire was not the only villain in the galaxy. There were a lot of people out there who used their power to hurt and manipulate people. However, Tech reminded her that there were also good people like them who were fighting the good fight against the Empire and the smaller evils throughout the galaxy.
Image Source: Leisure Byte
Since the Batch finally found their ship and got off this mysterious planet, it would make sense for them to return to Cid. After all, she got them into this mess in the first place. It would be interesting to see how their meeting with her went. There is some speculation that she might have already sold them out to the Empire, especially in light of Millegi’s warning in Episode 4. There are still a few episodes to go before the season finale. Perhaps Cid would just give the clones another job and send them on their way.
While this episode was not as emotional nor groundbreaking as the last few episodes, it was still entertaining. We got to see the Batch help a group fight against their oppressive leader and take back what is theirs. Omega learned more about the galaxy she knows very little about. I love that we are seeing more of Tech this season and that he is bonding with Omega after Echo’s departure. Overall, this was another strong episode, and it will be interesting to see where the Bad Batch goes next week.
Rating: 7.5/10