'The Bad Batch' Season 3 Episode 5 Spoiler-Free Review
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For the first time in a long time, we finally have a somewhat happy episode of The Bad Batch. Don’t get me wrong, tensions between Hunter and Crosshair are at an all-time high, but it’s nice not having the immediate threat of the Empire lingering in the background. This episode was exciting, and a nice change of pace from the previous four.
The episode begins with our clones back on Pabu. While we were treated to a big reunion in the last episode, we get a much smaller one in this episode, with Omega reuniting with her stuffed creature, Lula. She wakes up and is greeted by Hunter and Wrecker. Crosshair doesn’t want to hang around the ship, and Omega finds him doing some target practice. She talks to him and tells him that he needs to talk to Hunter, which is a key plot point throughout the episode. The clones are trying to find the whereabouts of Mount Tantiss, and they enlist the help of a very familiar clone, who has an adorable reunion with Omega. They sit and discuss what Crosshair and Omega know about Tantiss. Omega says that Nala Se’s datapad is no longer useful to them unless they can get it back up. Crosshair reveals the whereabouts of an Imperial factory, that is not heavily guarded and could be what they need to make the datapad work again. Hunter goes back into big brother mode and doesn’t want Omega to come with. Of course, Omega being Omega, she convinces them to let her join.
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They head to the facility and find out it's completely abandoned. They get to work on the data pad, but in the process, they turn off some sensors that have been keeping a snow creature at bay. The snow creature is very worm-like and quite terrifying. Eventually, the creature comes alive and almost destroys their chances of leaving. They all must work together to subdue the creature once more, to escape alive. It felt like old times having most of Clone Force 99 reunited, even if not for very long.
There was a lot of tension between Crosshair and Hunter in this episode, which is understandable. While Hunter and Wrecker care about their brother, they are still rightfully hurt that he betrayed them and chose the Empire instead. Hunter does not trust Crosshair, and throughout the episode, he follows him around. The two eventually team up to try and drive the monster out of the perimeter with Crosshair even saving Hunter. The two are then welcomed with a hug from Wrecker, once they make it back to the ship. Omega is going to be the link that helps them discuss their issues, and hopefully, we get to see that soon. It’s been wonderful to see Crosshair back with his brothers, and it almost feels like he never left.
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The Empire is always going to be a threat to Clone Force 99, especially when they have Omega. This episode was great, as the Empire wasn’t a threat. Yes, they will always be in the background of this season, chasing down Omega, but for once, their biggest threat was a terrifying snow worm. This was a fun episode, and I hope we get more like it this season.
Rating: 9/10
New episodes of The Bad Batch are released every Wednesday on Disney+.