The Fight Is Far From Over For The Clones In 'Tipping Point'
Image Source: Dork Side of the Force
Echo had left the Batch earlier in the season and has been helping Rex in his fight against the Empire. During the rescue mission, he manages to download vital Imperial information like the location of where they have been taking the clone prisoners.
The turn of events brings Echo to the island of Pabu where Clone Force 99 is helping with the rebuilding effort. Tech helps decrypt the data and the group learns of the clandestine operation on Mount Tantiss being run by Doctor Royce Hemlock. Tech also discovers that Crosshair is being held at the same location and has sent them a warning.
This episode was fast-paced but it was able to deliver bits of humor (like Tech teaching Omega how to fly). It did a good job of showing the desperation of a captured and beleaguered Crosshair trying to escape his Imperial captors. While he is unsuccessful in his attempt, he is able to send a warning to his former team that they are being hunted.
Image Source: IMDb
The season started slow and was plagued with cries of “filler” from impatient fans, but it has actually been well-balanced and is set up for an explosive finale. Fans can expect a gut-wrenching finale next week as the Bad Batch is sure to rescue their former comrade from the Empire and the mysterious Hemlock.
Rating: 8.5/10