'X-Men '97' Episode 2 "Mutant Liberation Begins" Review
Image Source: ScreenRant
Episode 2 starts by immediately reminding us of the biggest status quo change to the X-Men in this Series. In Episode 1, Magneto was revealed to be the benefactor of Charles Xavier's will. He is the new owner/leader of the X-Men, and the opening title sequence has been changed to represent this, placing Magneto as the first member of the X-Men the intro showcases. Does this mean the title sequence is going to continually evolve as the team changes throughout the show?
The episode starts properly by showing Magneto saving humans at a theme park, and then saving the Morloks(!) from some anti-mutant thugs. During this sequence, Magento's disdain for humans is obvious, and a big deal is made of him following Charles Xavier's will and philosophy of not harming humans. Although it's suggested he doesn’t necessarily believe in it.
It has to be said that’s great seeing the Morloks here. Although it's only a cameo appearance, the Morlocks played a prominent role in a few episodes of the original show. Callisto and Leech are even shown amongst their group, with Leech referring to himself in the third person as he did before.
Back at the X-Mansion, the X-Men are struggling to reason with Xavier's decision to leave everything to Magneto. Especially Scott, who suggests his plans to leave the group are now on hold because of Magneto’s arrival. Rogue seems to be the only one who is willing to give him a chance at redemption, and later on, a scene between just the two of them goes into their shared history.
Image Source: TheNostalgiaSpot
Soon after, UN troops turn up at the X-Mansion to arrest Magneto for his crimes against humanity. At first, it looks like he's going to attack the UN troops by taking control of their Helicopters. But after asking if he will receive a fair trial, he willingly surrenders and is taken away.
The Trial of Magneto starts, and most of the X-Men are in the courtroom with him to make sure nothing bad happens, But Wolverine and a heavily pregnant Jean Grey are watching the trial on a (rather archaic-looking) TV. Magneto, wearing a de-powering collar, gives a rousing speech his actions were only taken about to protect Mutant kind, but the trial soon breaks down as it's attacked by protestors. The X-Men step in to protect everyone.
Image Source: Flickering Myth
Wolverine, watching from home, jumps into action to help his fellow teammates in the courtroom, but at that moment Jean goes into labour, and Wolverine is forced to drive her to the hospital.
Back at the courtroom, the fight between the X-Men and the protestors continues, Until X-Cutioner blasts his way into the courtroom. He is a heavily armoured protestor with multiple weapons, including a sentinel blaster the thugs from episode 1 were using. He makes quick work of Bishop, Gambit, and Beast. Even Cyclops is seemingly outmatched by this heavily armoured baddie. While Morph distracts X-Cutioner, Jean telepathy communities with Cyclops to tell him she is in labour. Rogue is tasked with flying Cyclops to the hospital, and given their dwindling numbers, the decision is made to free Magneto so he can help Storm in the fight.
Storm and Magento combine their powers to create make-shift walls around the judges and civilians, which is awesome to see. But Magneto is X-Cutioner's main target, and he takes a weapon he hasn't used yet off his back and fires at the Master of Magnetism. Storm jumps in the way and takes the bullet for him, but it soon becomes apparent this isn't a normal gun; The shot stripped Storm of her powers!
Seeing Storm get de-powered, Magneto decides he's had enough. He quickly binds X-Cutioner to a giant gold medallion, rips half the courtroom out of place, and flies himself, the judges, and X-Cutioner to the upper atmosphere.
Image Source: Screen Rant
Magneto demonstrates to the judges that he has the power to kill X-Cutioner right now, and it would be easy for him. His past self would have done this in a heartbeat, but he has committed to Charles Xavier's vision of co-existence. He is a changed man. The Judges believe him and exonerate him of his crimes.
Everyone then returns to the X-mansion. The X-Men are now much more trusting of Magneto, and Cyclops in particular seems to have had his mind changed. Beast tells Storm he is trying to find a cure, but it looks like she has lost her mutant powers permanently. She then leaves the team, saying that staying without powers would be too painful for her.
Jean is showing her new baby, Nathan, to the team, and everyone is happy for her, yet sad Storm has left, when there is a knock at the door. For an absolute killer twist at the end, it is revealed a future version of Jean Grey herself is at the door, asking for help.
I absolutely loved this episode. If Magento is going to be the new leader of this team, this was a great way of making the team trust him. Storm losing her powers is a really interesting twist. I don't think this will be as permanent as the episode suggests, but it does throw out any dreams Jean and Scott had of leaving the X-Men (even if they do now trust Magento). The angle of the two of them trying to get out of the team for valid reasons, but always being drawn back, is interesting and I hope that story is continued.
But of course, the main talking point coming out of this will be the appearance of 'Future' Jean Grey. Just the arrival in itself hints at some great storylines from X-Men lore in this show's future, a feeling only made stronger by Jean and Scott naming the child ‘Nathan’. Does this mean Cable, or maybe even X-Man himself will be appearing soon? Will the Time-travelling Bishop link into any of this?
Score: 9/10