Is The Zillo Beast One Of Palpatine’s Monsters On Exegol?
Image Source: CultureSlate
It’s alive! The latest episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch has finally answered something that fans of the franchise have been wondering about since 2010. The episode titled ‘Metamorphosis’ sees the Batch investigate a damaged ship that recently crashed. Aboard the ship, they find a monster that feeds on electricity and grows exponentially with each meal. Once the monster reaches maturity, it is revealed to be a clone of the Zillo Beast, a gigantic monster that laid siege to Coruscant after being captured by the Jedi during The Clone Wars.
As the monster wreaks havoc on a village, the Empire swiftly arrives and captures the monster, putting it in stasis and bringing it to Mount Tantiss on the planet Weyland, where the Empire is currently conducting various cloning experiments. The Zillo Beast being cloned by the Empire is a direct follow-up to the aforementioned The Clone Wars episodes, which ended with then-Supreme Chancellor Palpatine ordering one of his scientists to commence cloning the Zillo Beast after begrudgingly killing it.
The fact that the Zillo Beast is among Emperor Palpatine’s cloning projects has implications for the countless possible uses he could have for the monster. For example, knowing the creature has lightsaber-resistant armor plating, Darth Sidious is likely interested in implementing the scales into sets of armor for his legions of stormtroopers. Though there is another possibility as well. In Issue 11 of the ongoing Darth Vader comic series from Greg Pak, Vader discovers the planet Exegol and the horrific experiments that his master is conducting on the Sith world. Among them are a menagerie of cloned monsters strong in the dark side of the Force. Could the Zillo Beast be among the monsters Sidious has on Exegol, along with his stockpile of weapons and warships on the planet?
The Bad Batch is among the many Star Wars series fleshing out the Empire’s use of cloning that will eventually lead to Sidious cloning himself in the sequel trilogy. So I could easily see him utilizing the Zillo Beasts in his planned conquest of the galaxy. However, if the Zillo Beast and the rest of Palpatine’s monsters end up being used in the future, it would probably be best to let them fight.
Source(s): Disney+