Lookback: 'Aliens' (1986)

Aliens cast

Image Source: IMDb

It is no secret that Ridley Scott’s 1979 film Alien had a massive impact on the future of the sci-fi horror genre, but the 1986 sequel Aliens, directed by James Cameron, is often left out of the conversation. The sequel picked up 57 years after the events of the first film and successfully changed the sci-fi horror genre just like its predecessor. Let’s take a look at how this masterpiece impacted horror cinema and why it still holds audiences’ attention more than three decades later. WARNING! Contains spoilers for Aliens!!

Alien’s Impact


Image Source: IMDb

The first film changed the sci-fi horror genre in a multitude of ways. First, it was the first sci-fi horror film to bring slow-burn tension into a film that was meant to be full of action sequences. Second, the film brought in a style of body horror that we had not seen in earlier films. The chest-bursting scene has become one of the most well-known moments in a horror film, and it inspired countless directors and special effects artists. Third, it was one of the first films to create a monster that looked like nothing we had ever seen before. Before the film’s release most sci-fi horror films used aliens that looked like things audiences were familiar with. Alien brought in a creature known as a Xenomorph that was unnerving in how unearthly it looked. This creature design would inspire directors and effects artists to use their imaginations to create monsters that would scare their audiences and actors. 


Aliens Impact

James Cameron did something special with Aliens when he decided to lean away from the style of the first film and create something completely different. The first film was a slow-burn psychological horror film that focused more on the dread that knowing there was a monster created. Cameron created an action horror film that focused on the actual interactions with the Xenomorph and used very little dread as a way to scare his audience. Like the first film, the sequel changed the sci-fi horror genre in multiple ways. First, the film brought in multiple creatures and an Alien Queen which was completely different from how most horror films had been done.

Typically there is one, maybe two, villains that the protagonists must fight against, but in Aliens there were multiple Xenomorphs and then an Alien Queen that was essentially controlling them. This paved the way for future horror films to have more intricate and complex villains. Second, this film did not shy away from action and chose to have large-scale battles which is another thing that previous horror films had not done. It was unheard of for there to be full-on action sequences in a horror film before Aliens was released. Lastly, Aliens chose to use strong female characters for both the protagonist and the antagonist of this film.

There is a cliché in horror that female characters are either stupid or there to be saved by the hero. This cliché also applies to female villains as they are typically seen as crazy. This film saw the return of Ellen Ripley but put her in more of a position of power. She is the only person in the group who has knowledge about the creature, and she becomes a mother figure for the young girl they find in the film. This film also introduced the Alien Queen who is the mother of the Xenomorphs and a threat to not only the crew but also every human in the galaxy.

The decision to have a showdown between mothers would go on to influence directors across sub-genres of horror. This film would encourage the use of female characters in more empowering ways than we had seen before. 

Aliens Today


Many horror films from the 80s do not stand the test of time. As the sci-fi horror genre evolves classic films are lost because they are no longer scary. That is not the case for Alien or Aliens thanks to the phenomenal directing and effects teams. Both of these films were ahead of their time, and that is the main reason that they still captivate audiences. The Xenomorph is just as terrifying in 2025 as it was in 1986 and that is because they used practical effects rather than CGI. Another reason that Aliens has stood the test of time is because of how it utilized its female characters. Having an incredible sci-fi horror film that is not only terrifying but also has empowered female characters is something truly special. 

Alien and Aliens are available to rent on Amazon Prime.



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