This Is One Of The Most Dangerous Weapons The Sith Ever Created
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The release of Justina Ireland's and Tessa Gratton's Young Adult novel Star Wars: Patch of Deceipt kicks Phase II of The High Republic into high gear.
Taking place nearly 400 years before the Battle of Yavin (and roughly 150 years before the events of Phase I), the book tells the story of Jedi Master Zallah Macri and her Padawan, Kevmo Zink, on the Outer Rim planet Daina. There they encounter the Path of the Open Hand, a group of missionaries who believe that the Force is free and should not be used by anyone.
The book also presents the first appearance of the Force dagger, an ancient weapon discovered by the Jedi on the Sith homeworld of Moraband. This dagger was presumably able to extract the Force from a Jedi after they were stabbed. So even if the Jedi survived such an attack, stripped of their extraordinary powers, it would leave them defenseless against the Sith.
The concept of an object that can somehow manipulate aspects of the Force is relatively new to current Star Wars lore, but Path of Deceit is not the first time such an object is described. The Wayfinders of the Sith - first introduced in The Rise of Skywalker - as well as the Jedi star compass from the video game Star Wars Battlefront II, were also things that required a Force user to function.
Image Source: Wookieepedia
The Force power that has somehow been imbued into the dagger is presumably a Force Drain used by Palpatine against Rey and Kylo Ren at the end of The Rise of Skywalker.
Path of Deceit leaves the question unanswered if the ancient Sith were able to extract the Force that has been drained from a Jedi from the dagger, but it would make sense for them to try to gain more power by doing so.
It is also unclear if this dagger could be used only against Jedi or other Force users. However, many stories of the former Expanded Universe described epic battles of the ancient Sith against one another, so it's possible that the dagger could also have been used to extract the Force from dark-side users.
It remains to be seen if future stories of The High Republic further elaborate on this mysterious new Sith weapon.
Source(s): Screenrant, Youtube