This Is What It Was Like To Be In An Imperial Training Camp
Image Source: WPTV
The Galactic Empire was known for its cruelty, but few suffered more from its malice than its recruits. In a new YouTube video, Geetsly’s explains the tough training that Imperial soliders endure in the Star Wars universe. Geetsly’s splits up his video into four specific units. The rank-and-file members studied at the Imperial Navy Academy while Imperial Cadets trained at Raithal Academy. Recruits to the Stormtrooper Corps completed their training at Carida Academy. Training at Yinchorr was reserved for the top Stormtrooper Corps squads.
At the Imperial Navy Academy, also called the Prefsbelt Academy, midshipmen would march silently down a long corridor to the crypt of Pers Pradeux. The graduation ceremony would happen right there next to the entombed body as the midshipmen dedicated themselves to the Navy and received their assignments.
Presfbelt’s graduation was tame compared to other Imperial Academies. Raithal Academy used extensive hours in tactical simulations and employed a wealth of indoctrination techniques and live-fire exercises on their students during a year-long program. As part of this year, Raithal recruits were subjected to a 16-day mock siege and a week-long simulation where students were interrogated. This last exercise led to the death of several Raithal students. All of this was simply to train soldiers for the Imperial Army, rather than a more advanced unit.
Recruits who wanted to join the Stormtrooper Corps headed to Carida Academy. Because of its location on a cliffside, students often called it Cliffside Academy. The academy was the defining feature of the planet, and the school’s logo was etched into the moon. Carida used a two-year program filled to the brim with indoctrination intended to remove any individuality or feeling. Even names were taken away in the hope of creating empty vessels to serve the Empire. As part of the training, students were deprived of sleep and were forced to push their bodies and their minds to the limit. Like Raithal, some recruits died while others were able to drop out. Graduation brought another risk of death as students marched in lockstep at the top of the cliff. Any missed step or missed call could send recruits plummeting to their death.
Image Source: VK
Recruits to the Imperial Royal Guard were summoned to Yinchorr for the Empire’s most brutal program. These students were trained to serve as Palpatine’s personal guards. The Yinchorr program used all the familiar elements of Carida where recruits were indoctrinated, deprived, and their sense of self was taken away. As part of the training, recruits sparred with each other and alone to develop their skills. Many students died in this sparring while those deemed too weak were killed. The final test saw the remaining recruits battle each other in a hole-riddled pit called the Squall. After the battle, those who survived swore allegiance to the Emperor.
It’s clear that the Empire’s cruelty wasn’t saved just for the Rebels or other enemies. The Imperial Academies were willing to employ the most ruthless tactics across the galaxy to build the toughest armies.
Source(s): YouTube, Wookiepedia