Why The Clones Had A Harder Time Retreating Than The Separatists
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Despite what some people might tell you, retreat is a viable part of strategy. Sometimes an army has to know when to fold, to fight another day. This was apparent in the Clone Wars, as many times both the droid army of the CIS and the clone army of the Galactic Republic had to flee from a battle. However, the clones appeared to have a rougher time. Why was that? Let’s take a dive into the strategies of warfare a bit to answer this small question and see why.
The Galaxy was too large for the Republic to defend all at once, compared to the Separatists who often acted similarly to a guerilla force. When the Republic surrendered, it had to completely evacuate a planet, which often meant casualties and men left behind. The CIS, however, just removed their equipment and officers, while leaving the droid armies behind, forcing the Republic to waste their time taking care of stragglers; who weren’t programed to surrender when a battle was lost. In addition, the Republic’s goal was to reunite the galaxy under Coruscant’s rule, while the Separatists weren’t always trying to capture a planet. This meant that losing a planet was much more devastating for the Republic than for the Confederacy. All these combined elements meant that the Clones had a harder time retreating than the droids.
Of course, this is a simplification. If you want to look at a more detailed analysis, check out this video;
Source: YouTube