5 ‘Five Nights At Freddy’s’ Animatronics We Want To See In The Movies
Image Source: HorrorPress
The first Five Nights at Freddy’s movie was, to put it lightly, a giant success. While not a critical darling, it received an 87% approval rating from the audience on Rotten Tomatoes and pulled in almost 300 million on a 20 million dollar budget. Given that we had been waiting for years to see our favorite characters on the big screen, it was nice to finally hit the theater and see the animatronics wreaking havoc. With a sequel soon to be in development, it’s definitely worth taking a look at which robot characters we want to see brought to life on the big screen. In no particular order…
5. Mr. Hippo
Image Source: Reddit
“Well everyone, it would be really interesting to be in one of the upcoming movies. I mean, I haven’t actually given it a lot of thought. Being a movie star wasn’t something I thought of doing when I was in my younger days. I don’t… I don’t recall what my dreams were when I was younger. I guess you just get older and older and they start to fade away. I suppose that if I was in the movie I’d be chasing after either the main characters or some fodder that’s there to add to the kill count. If it was the second one, I guess that if I did catch them then… then they’d be dead. But that’s neither here nor there. It reminds me of a time that I was talking to my good friend Orville. Him and I were walking through a local park and watching the birds. I can’t recall exactly what we were talking about. Was it something I saw on the news…? Or… no, maybe it was a book I read. Yeah, I think it was that one. Yes, yes, definitely, because Orville said that he hadn’t read the book, and I was telling him that he really had to, because it had good characters and a really good story. It’s best if a book, or any media for that matter, has a good story and characters, but I guess if one was more important, it would be the story. Or… no, I guess characters, because even if it’s a bad story, you’re still invested in what’s going on. You want them to succeed, even if the events going on around them might not make a ton of sense, or be all that engaging. Anyway, I was talking about this book to Orville, and what I was saying was, and this is what I was saying, Orville…”
4. Circus Baby
Image Source: Reddit
It’s doubtful that Circus Baby would be in the direct sequel to the first film, but she’s worth seeing on the big screen nonetheless. Outside of the core four (Freddy, Foxy, Chica, and Bonnie), she’s arguably the most iconic character, especially in the second stage (post-FNAF 4) games. It might be difficult to have her game story in the movie, as, if the theories are right, she’s William Afton’s daughter, and in the film, we’ve already met his daughter, and she’s very much not dead. Still, she’s worth putting in the films because of her popularity. her cross between determination, craziness, and sadness would add a really interesting dynamic to any of the films. Also, if the filmmakers want any animatronic to talk, she’s definitely the one that you should go with. Additionally, it would be interesting to see her face off against Springtrap. A real father/daughter animatronic fight. Afton’s daughter in the movie was, admittedly, not that interesting. Circus Baby would be a far more engaging character.
“… now the book I suggested wasn’t very long, so I suggested to Orville that he read it before our next walk so that we could talk about it. I like talking about books with people. They’re more engaging than movies or video games or things like that. Unless you’re reading a book with pictures, you have to use your imagination, and with that, your mind can create entire worlds and put an interesting spin on whatever the author has written. It’s not the same with movies, which is what I told Orville. He said that he enjoyed a good movie every now and again, and wondered why I didn’t. Well, I said to him, “Of course, I enjoy a good movie every now and again. Movies can be every bit as engaging as a good book in the right hands.” If I was in an upcoming movie based on a popular video game, it could be a fun experience. I did ask Orville if he ever wanted to be a movie star, and he said that he’d never really thought about it. Some paths in life are ones that you don’t really think about, but if they present themselves, they could open up opportunities, both good and bad of course, that you never expected. It’s like the time that I…”
3. Mangle
Image Source: YouTube
Ideally in a horror movie, you have antagonists that are actually, you know, scary. If Mangle was done right in the films, keeping her in the shadows, barely visible until she strikes, that could create some real tension and good scares. She also has the opportunity for some good character moments. All of the core four were abandoned when Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza was shut down, but Mangle was torn apart and left there. She’s angry. She’s out for blood. The core four might be willing to protect kids, but kids pulled her apart. She would likely have no such protective instinct and would react accordingly. Mangle has the opportunity to be one of the scariest and most dangerous threats in any of the films. The fact that she primarily attacks from the ceiling would add another dimension to the unease.
“… of course, an important thing to note is tone. If there’s somebody rambling on and on and on in the movie, it could bring the story to a screeching halt and maybe destroy the tone of a movie that’s trying to be super scary, or at the very least super serious. I ran that thought past Orville, and he agreed with my assessment. However, you never know with some writers. They could take something that on its face sounds silly and out of place and make it work within the confines of the story. That’s something that a good screenwriter, or any kind of storyteller for that matter, would be able to do. Any story can work as long as you do it right, and maybe any character could, too. That’s not to say, of course, that I would be scary in a movie about angry animatronics stalking and killing people. I suppose that if the right person came along and was threatening or evil enough that I could take some action, but I’m not violent by nature. Neither is Orville, now that I think about it. Although there was this one time where I was crawling through a vent towards somebody…”
2. Nightmare Animatronics
Image Source: Deviantart
These are the guys that you show if you’re going all out on the scare factor. Any trace of the fun, happy robots that entertained children is gone with them. Heck, if the movies ever wanted to do an R-rated spinoff of some kind (which would never happen, but still) the Nightmare Animatronics would be perfect. They’d be very flexible in how you could use them as well. Are they haunting the protagonist? His family? Is the villain a manifestation of his guilt? All of the above? The possibilities are near endless. These are also great characters to hide in the shadows for a real scare, especially something like Nightmarionne. You just see one of his white and black tentacles and know that something is about to go down. For ten out of ten on the scare scale, these are the guys you want.
“… I don’t know if I’d call being in that air duct trying to get the bad guy fun, so to speak, but it was definitely a unique experience. I did manage to get in the room once… or… no, I think it was twice… three times? A-anyway, that’s neither here nor there. If I remember what Orville said, and I very well may not, sometimes I don’t have the best memory, he said that he only got in once. I think a bear or a fox of some kind got in the most. I don’t recall the guy enjoying that very much. He was definitely scared. I didn’t try to get into the room all of the time, but whenever this puppet-like person told me that it was my turn, well… well I guess I felt compelled. That didn’t bother me all that much. I was in this place, and there wasn’t too much else to do. I mean, it was more or less a beige waiting room. Orville and I talked a lot, but the others only said a handful of sentences to us. Mostly they just kept to themselves, but sometimes one of them would get ahold of a pack of cards and get a game of poker or bridge with some of the others going. There was a blue bunny without a face who played a lot of checkers with a twitchy black bear. I don’t recall the blue bunny winning a lot. Not much else. They weren’t great conversation partners, but when it was my turn to go…”
1. The Puppet/Marionette
Image Source: YouTube
This one is a given, and honestly, out of all of them, there is the highest chance of this one happening. The Puppet is the only one that has actual intelligence. To quote one of her game over lines from Ultimate Custom Night, “The others are like animals, but I am very aware.” That would easily make her the most threatening animatronic in the films. Given that she was one of Afton’s first victims, she has an insatiable vendetta against him. There would be no need to see kids’ drawings to start the fight. Her drive to torture Afton for all of eternity would add a fascinating dynamic to the film, especially if the protagonists do something that she sees as getting in her way. Trying to avoid a creature that, as Afton says in the second game “is always… thinking, and it can go anywhere.” would be terrifying. Springtrap vs the Puppet. Let it happen.
“… well, I’d hate to ramble on and on and on. Sometimes Orville tells me that I do that. I suppose that I feel like I have a lot to say, even though I may not. That happens a lot with people, I’ve noticed. Something that could be conveyed in one or two sentences becomes an entire monologue, and the other person politely listens for a bit, but eventually they start to get annoyed. I definitely wouldn’t want to do that to anyone. Anyway, being in the movie, either the next one or some one after that would be interesting, I suppose. It would be better than crawling through an air duct, that’s for sure. But I guess we’ll have to see. You never know where life is going to take you next. You just never know.”
Source(s): Reddit