The Worst Tactics In The 'Star Wars' Franchise
Source: Star Wars Stills Gallery
Something with the word war in the title is bound to have a variety of tactics, all ranging in quality. Factions arise to fuel and fight these wars, and sometimes their choices aren’t so good. Let’s examine some of the worst tactics these factions have used.
5. The Empire At Hoth
Image Source: Star Wars Stills Gallery
This failure was acknowledged at the moment when General Veers stated that they came in too close and were detected. Admiral Ozzel thought the element of surprise was the easy way to get through. The mistake was costly, allowing the Rebels to raise their shields and prepare for a ground assault. Looking at the bigger picture, even the materials they brought to hunt the Rebels were ill-suited. The Empire arrived in a Star Destroyer and didn’t set up a blockade despite knowing the Rebels were masters of small, fast hit-and-run attacks. The Empire also didn’t use ships that could prevent the Rebels from jumping to hyperspace. Their plan definitely could have been more thought out and executed.
4. First Order At Crait
Source: Flickr
The stark difference in leadership quality from Vader to Kylo Ren is shown quite well here; well, for the Rebels, that is. Ren loses himself in his emotions, focusing on one ire-inducing figure rather than the bigger picture. They had the tech advantages over the Rebels; they could’ve stormed and blasted away everything with their superior firepower. But, rather than using their aerial and power superiority, they go for a one-directional ground assault, taking everyone directly to the Rebel’s level and giving them an opening to leave.
3. Separatists At Coruscant
Source: FanPop
This loss is a major one concerning the war. The moves the CIS made at first were pretty good. They snuck in to destroy essential resources, and they managed to kidnap Palpatine. From here, though, they don’t leave; no one can say whether it was planned or situational. Either way, they should have made some provisionary move with their position; kidnap the target and escape without delay.
2. Republic At The Battle Of Geonosis
Source: IMDb
While this was a win, it was achieved in a mildly questionable and somewhat dull manner. Geonosis didn’t have much defense to speak of, just large cannons that were taken out early on the surface. The Republic had air superiority, but they didn’t use that to their advantage well enough when engaging in the destruction of buildings and capture of Separatist leaders, most making it off-planet.
1. The Empire At Endor
Source: Star Wars Databank
Not to pick from low-hanging fruit, but Endor utilized horrible tactics. The most obvious blunder was the use of the Death Star; it took far too long to charge up, allowing the Rebels to regroup. In addition, the Rebels have a relationship with the local Ewoks, giving them a bonus ground advantage that the Imperials didn’t even consider. They’re open to getting overrun for that disregard.
Source(s): YouTube, Wookiepedia