8 Cameos Where Carrie Fisher Stole The Show
Image Source: Bustle
More than just Princess Leia to some, Carrie Fisher had a handful of well-received roles in films such as When Harry met Sally, The ‘Burbs, and of course, the Star Wars saga. However, her numerous cameos throughout the years added to her endearing charm and comedic chops. Being able to steal an entire scene in just a few minutes is a skill bestowed upon a chosen few. Carrie played a nun, a gun-toting mystery girl, and even herself throughout her cameos, and all of them were note-worthy and not forgotten. Here are a few cameos where Carrie Fisher stole the show.
8. Scream 3
While on the search for information on Maureen Prescott (Sydney Prescott’s mother), Gail and Jennifer find themselves in the archives of Sunrise Studios and come face to face with someone who looks “uncannily” similar to Carrie Fisher. Nope. It’s Bianca Burnette, and the only reason she didn’t get the part of Princess Leia was because she wouldn’t sleep with George Lucas. Fisher wrote this scene, and happily played up the rumors that she slept with George Lucas to get the role of Princess Leia.
7. Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back
After Jay and Silent Bob get a lesson from the late George Carlin on the “Unwritten Book of the Road,” where sexual favors are given in exchange for a ride or some sort of need, a car pulls over to offer the boys a ride. But my dear reader, who is behind the wheel? None (or should I say nun?) other than Carrie Fisher, in a nun habit. After some tongue-in-cheek back and forth with Jay and Silent Bob, Jay hops over into the front seat in preparation to pay back the good deed. Obviously, that doesn’t go well, so the boys are left on the side of the road.
6. Blues Brothers
Our favorite brothers Jake and Elwood Blues find themselves on “a mission from God,” trying to save the Catholic orphanage they called home as children. After miraculously surviving being attacked by a mystery woman numerous times, the brothers find themselves in a service tunnel. The mystery woman reveals herself to be Jake’s ex-fiance, played by none other than Carrie. As she unleashes hell via an M-16, Jake, once again unhurt, spews out a list of excuses as to why he abandoned her. Sensing that she’s not buying any excuses offered, he removes his sunglasses, and she is swept away, falling for him once again.
5. Austin Powers
In this hilarious scene, Carrie plays a group family therapist, hoping to help Dr. Evil and Scott Evil, who only just met a few days prior after Scott is introduced as Dr.Evil’s clone. She asks the typical open-ended probing questions to get the Evils to talk, but of course, pandemonium ensues. Seeing her play a therapist knowing how many times she’s admitted to going to one makes this scene even better.
4. Sex And The City
A different Carrie, Carrie Bradshaw, heads to Los Angeles to meet with a production company that is interested in optioning her column. While there, she meets charming Keith, played by Vince Vaughn. Lost in her California haze, Bradshaw begins a fling with Vaughn, who takes her to his house, with an incredible view, overlooking the valley. Except there’s one problem. It’s not his house, and he’s merely housesitting for his boss. So naturally, the door opens to reveal the home’s actual owner, none other than Carrie Fisher.
3. Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle
Once again playing a nun, but this time playing a Mother Superior, Carrie welcomes Lucy Liu, Drew Barrymore, and Cameron Diaz to a convent in California. Carrie playing a symbol of virtue is not lost on fans. Add in the fact that the “convent” is really the Playboy Mansion, and you’ve got yourself a fantastic cocktail of irony and humor.
2. The Big Bang Theory
After a night of bonding, Sheldon and James Earl Jones find themselves on the front porch of a house late at night, Sheldon questions why they are there and who does this house belong to? Jones rings the doorbell and dashes away as quickly as his legs will carry him. Sheldon, utterly confused for a brief moment, realizes that he also needs to run and takes off as well. Then the front door opens, and Carrie Fisher steps out wielding a baseball bat as a cranky older person would.
1. Fanboys
In what is probably one of her fan-favorite cameos, Carrie plays a doctor who aids in the breakout of terminally ill Linus from the hospital. Linus’s friends are trying to help him see The Phantom Menace months before it is released in theaters, and before he passes away. Their sweet but brief interaction gives us not only a laugh but a fantastic callback to one of the greatest lines in Star Wars.
The world’s favorite space princess may be among the stars now, but her legacy lives on.
Source(s): Romper, Independent, IMDb