The Best Darth Maul Episodes In ‘The Clone Wars’ and ‘Rebels’
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Darth Maul was a Sith lord who was first introduced in The Phantom Menace. One of the most iconic lightsaber battles happens between Maul, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, where Qui-Gon meets his untimely end. Obi-Wan avenges his master and slices Maul in two. This was the last we saw of the mysterious Sith lord, until The Clone Wars season 4. Maul's brother, Savage Opress finds Maul in a cave, but not how he remembered him. He’s gone crazy and has makeshift legs. Savage takes Maul back to the Night Mother where she fixes Maul. Maul is now fixated on revenge against Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Bringing Maul back was a great idea, as he became one of the coolest characters in all of Star Wars. He also had one of the most interesting stories, that was played out in the animated series. Let’s take a look back at the best Darth Maul episodes.
Brothers-Season 4, Episode 21
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This episode is essential for Maulm as it’s the one that features his return. Savage Opress was sent by Mother Talzin to find and rescue Maul, who is in a bad mental state and has fashioned mechanical Spider-type legs for the lower half of his body. The end of the episode, features Yoda revealing to Obi-Wan that Darth Maul has returned.
Revenge- Season 4, Episode 22
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This is a direct continuation of the previous episode. Savage Opress has taken Maul back to Dathomir to be fixed by Mother Talzin. She is successful and he regains his memories, and a new pair of legs. However, he is also hellbent on revenge against Kenobi. Maul then causes destruction in order to force Kenobi out in order to confront them. Their first confrontation since the events on Naboo is simply incredible, with Kenobi teaming up with an unlikely ally in Asajj Ventress. Maul’s jabs at Kenobi are classic and show just how much Maul hates Kenobi.
The Lawless- Season 5, Episode 16
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This is one of the saddest episodes in all of The Clone Wars. Maul is now the leader of Mandalore and wields the Darksaber. Satine Kryze gets rescued by her sister Bo-Katan and they send a message to Obi-Wan. However, they get captured by Maul, who uses them to lure out Kenobi once again.
Maul kills Satine with the Darksaber right in front of Obi-Wan, making it one of the most painful moments in the entire series. Later, a lightsaber battle breaks out between Maul, Savage, and Darth Sidious, who is successful in capturing Maul and killing Savage.
The Phantom Apprentice- Season 7, Episode 10
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This is not only one of the best Maul episodes, but easily in the Top 10 of The Clone Wars episodes. This episode was also featured on my Ahsoka list, as she and Maul are both prominent characters in the episode. Maul reveals to Ahsoka about what Anakins destiny is, yet she doesn’t believe him.
Maul knew of Sidious’s plans and was trying to do good by trying to kill Anakin. The two engage in one of the most visually stunning lightsaber battles in all of Star Wars.
Twin Suns- Rebels Season 3, Episode 20
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After The Clone Wars finale, the next time fans see Maul is in Star Wars Rebels. He tries to groom Ezra Bridger into joining the Darkside but is ultimately unsuccessful. However, he does bring Ezra to Tatooine, in order to find Kenobi. For the last time, we see Kenobi get lured out by Maul. The two exchange banter, until lightsabers are drawn. However, it isn’t much of a battle, as Kenobi kills Maul pretty quickly. In a poetic moment, Maul dies in Obi-Wans arms. While seeing this iconic character die was sad, it was a great end to Maul’s story and came full circle in the end.
Maul has easily one of the best stories in Star Wars. He was a Sith apprentice who was eventually cast aside and forgotten. He eventually comes back stronger than ever and eventually rules Mandalore. He escapes the events of Order 66 until he dies many many years later at the hand of Kenobi. While Maul has many great episodes, these are some of the best and are able to show just exactly who he is.
Source: Screen Rant