Xbox RPG 'Clair Obscur: Expedition 33' Lined Up For A Live-Action Film
Image Source: Bandainamcoent
Video game movies used to be an absolute laughing stock. However, in the last handful of years, a few gems have gotten Hollywood to change their mind, placing much more confidence in people in power to have more faith in this genre. In a risk-averse Hollywood that seems to depend on adaptions, sequels, and remakes, someone in the industry is willing to take a chance and release an adaption of a videogame that isn’t even out yet.
Clair Obscur: Expedition 33 is a game scheduled for release on Xbox and PC on April 24. However, even with the release months away, a videogame based on the upcoming RPG has already been announced. No information about any cast or crew has yet been made public, aside from Dmitri M. Johnson & Mike Goldberg being producers. "The game's compelling narrative and complex characters provide a solid foundation for a cinematic experience that will resonate with both gamers and moviegoers alike," they said recently.
The game will be about a party of adventurers journeying to defeat a deity known as a Paintress who curses those over a certain age to vanish each year. Little other information as to specific mechanics or skill trees has been released.
Source(s): IGN, Euro Gamer